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A Lovely 'Hayvn' for My Art

Updated: Oct 19, 2022

My favorite thing about being an artist and entrepreneur is the sense of having limitless possibilities. It's up to me to pay attention to the world, to my own ideas and drive, and then step forward to create connections. This philosophy seems well-supported at the local co-working collective called Hayvn in Darien.

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This cheery artist shot was taken in the lobby of Hayvn by Alice Patterson

I feel so lucky to have visited Hayvn back in April for a professional photo shoot by Alice Patterson of Loving My Company. While Alice worked her magic, setting up members of our group for individual, partner, and workshop-style photos, I took in the vibe of Hayvn. Bright, cheery, inviting, with areas to work together and offices for quieter moments, I could see myself as a member in the future.

As I got to know the other business owners in the photo shoot, I also chatted with staff at Hayvn. They seemed open-minded, courteous, and encouraging.

L-R: Kerstin Rao, artist of Vivid Cottage; Patricia Rattray, realtor and founder of New Revenue Consulting; and Felicia Rubinstein, founder of Hayvn

When Felicia Rubinstein reached out to invite me to display my artwork at Hayvn, I didn't even realize she was the founder. She has a low-key and optimistic demeanor, emphasizing less about status and more on collaboration and creation.

The day I brought my art to hang, I included a dozen selections. Patricia Rattray, whose presentation on strategy for small business success I attended at a 'Hayvn Halftime' event earlier, was there the day I arrived. She and Felicia looked through my pieces and chose the four images they wanted for the space.

But - I noted Felicia said she was hoping for 'more yellow.'

Turns out, sunflowers are a cherished design element at Hayvn!

Well, it also turns out I had just the thing! I came back the next day and switched one of the pieces in the entrance space for my piece 'Sunflower Resilience.'

My 'Sunflower Resilience' piece now hangs in the main space at Hayvn

Since Hayvn is an entrepreneurial space, I invented something new - a self-serve stationery pop-up! I realized they don't have staff with a cash register of any kind, yet I had the feeling some of their members might appreciate having the convenience of greeting cards - and even a quick, last-minute yet high-quality gift of a boxed set of artisan cards - right in their co-working space.

I set up a display that included my business Venmo and a QR code leading to my website, both convenient ways to pay.

My pop-up, self-serve stationery display at Hayvn

There can be very lonely times as an entrepreneur. But when you find a place like Hayvn, offering both encouragement and strategic support, you can bloom!


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